物流管培生(供应链与物流数字化方向) 薪资面议
发布于 3月26日
Job ResponsibilitiesCareer Development Program (CDP)At Air Products, we believe in recruiting top college graduates who can become tomorrow’s leaders, and our Career Development Program (CDP) does just that. We want you to succeed. With three assignments lasting 8 months each, we’ll get you involved in challenging yet rewarding assignments applicable to your future. Naturally, we’ll give you the support you need to produce results, generate ideas, and make a real contribution. We’re committed to giving you the tools you need and an environment in which you can learn, develop, and grow.Rotation PlanYou will fulfill 3 assignments x 8 months in different groups of Customer Services & Logistics (CSL) and Supply Chain departments, including but not limited to CSL Optimization team, Scheduling team and Supply Chain teams.Customer Service & Logistics (CSL) is the dispatching center and customer service center of the whole Air Products Industrial Gases, responsible for the logistics and customer orders throughout China.For each assignment, the specific learning, project-related objectives, and job description will be discussed, agreed and commented at the beginning between you and your assignment manager. The emphasis for each assignment will be the on-job trainings.You will be assigned a senior manager as mentor to guide and advise as you progress through the program.You are encouraged to seek advice, coaching and support from your colleagues.After the three assignments you will have the opportunity to roll off in CSL or Supply Chain departments on data management or analysis areas. And for long term development goal in the future, the direction would be data expert in the field of logistics, while we will also encourage and support you to drive and develop your own career plan.RequirementsFresh graduate with Bachelor or Master’s degree, major in Mathematics, Statistics or relevant.Internship experience in relevant business/industry, or published related research in the university, or ability of coding like VBA/Python would be preferred.Excellent English communication and networking skills.Open, proactive and fast learner.Able to work under high pressure.Able to be multitasking with logical thinking.
空气化工 - 招聘经理

戚先生 - 招聘经理

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三个月内共 87 位应聘者投递了该职位,您的简历与该职位的匹配度为:323

空气化工产品(中国)投资有限公司成立于1997年11月13日,注册地位于中国(上海)自由贸易试验区祖冲之路887弄88号楼1楼东翼,2楼东翼,2楼西翼,法定代表人为HONG KOK MENG。经营范围包括一、在国家允许外商投资的领域依法进行投资;二、受其所投资企业的书面委托(经董事会一致同意),向其所投资企业提供有关服务;三、在中国境内设立科研开发中心或部门,从事新产品及高新技术的研究开发,转让其研究开发成果,并提供相应的技术服务;四、为其投资者提供咨询服务,为其关联公司提供与其投资有关的市场信息、投资政策等咨询服务;五、以代理、经销或设立出口采购机构(包括内部机构)的方式出口境内商品;六、购买所投资企业生产的产品进行系统集成后在国内外销售,并按有关规定在国内外采购系统集成配套产品;七、为所投资企业的产品的国内经销商、代理商以及与公司、其母公司或其关联公司前签有技术转让协议的国内公司、企业提供相关的技术培训;八、在其所投资企业投产前或其所投资企业的产品投产前,为进行产品市场开发,进口相关产品在国内试销,委托境内其他企业生产、加工产品并在国内外销售,从事产品全部外销的委托加工贸易业务;九、从事经营性租赁和融资租赁业务,依法设立经营性租赁公司并提供相关服务;十、化学品和气体产品及相关生产、维护设备、原辅材料、零配件的进出口、批发、零售和佣金代理(拍卖除外),并提供其它相关配套业务(涉及配额许可证管理、专项规定管理的商品按照国家有关规定办理);十一、承接境内外公司的服务外包业务;十二、根据国家有关规定对上市公司进行战略投资;十三、经外汇管理机关批准,对境内关联公司的外汇资金进行集中管理,在境内银行开立离岸帐户集中管理境外关联公司外汇资金和境内关联公司经外汇管理机关批准用于境外放款的外汇资金;十四、根据有关规定,从事物流配送业务;十五、经商务部批准,从事境外工程承包业务和境外投资;十六、经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准,设立财务公司,向投资性公司及其所投资企业提供相关财务服务;十七、压力容器的设计、压力管道的设计。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】空气化工产品(中国)投资有限公司对外投资81家公司,具有1处分支机构。