部门助理实习 180/天
发布于 12月2日
Are you curious about life after graduation and excited to apply what you learnt in school? Want to gain valuable business skills with a global leader in the logistics industry? Then consider interning with our sales department. During the internship, you will be tasked to support the department in its daily activities. This may include preparing sales documents, monitoring sales data and operational sales support. This position is based in Shanghai. We are looking for students who have a genuine interest to know more about logistics, and has a strong desire to make things happen. In return, you will work in an international environment where team players deliver excellence every day. To find out why Kuehne + Nagel is the best place to start your career in logistics, start a conversation with us and click apply today! Your tasks and responsibilities ·         Prepare quotations and standard operating procedures ·         Prepare presentations and quarterly business review documents ·         Follow up with customers on payment information ·         Assist with rates negotiations ·         Ensure timely and accurate entry of shipment data in our systems Your skills and experience To be considered, you should be currently in a Bachelor’s program in any field and have a fair command of both English and Mandarin. You are also familiar with common Microsoft Office applications, especially PowerPoint, and has a customer-oriented mindset. Good reasons to join At Kuehne + Nagel, you get to grow your expertise, shape processes and deliver innovative solutions. We are continuously building our local and global network and our product portfolio, creating career opportunities in different fields of work worldwide. As a leader in the logistics industry, we provide a collaborative and IT driven environment where you will work with motivated and customer-centric colleagues across the world. Your data will be forwarded directly to Kuehne + Nagel, and are subject to our privacy policy for our Career Page. Please login Career Page of Kuehne + Nagel website and join Our Talent Community, above the submit button, where you may find “Privacy Statement” and click for more information. By clicking “Apply”, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information as described in our privacy policy.
德迅货代 - 人事总监

秦先生 - 人事总监

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三个月内共 87 位应聘者投递了该职位,您的简历与该职位的匹配度为:323

德迅(中国)货运代理有限公司成立于2004年05月27日,注册地位于上海市静安区江场路1401弄14号5-6层,法定代表人为WONG SIEW LOONG。经营范围包括受母公司及其授权管理的中国境内外企业和关联企业的委托,为其提供投资经营管理和咨询服务、市场营销服务、财务管理服务、技术支持和研究开发服务、信息服务、员工培训和管理服务、承接本集团内部的共享服务及境外公司的服务外包。承办海运、陆运、空运进出口货物、国际展品、私人物品及过境货物的国际运输代理业务,包括:揽货、托运、订舱、仓储、中转、集装箱拼装拆箱、结算运杂费、报验、保险、相关的短途运输服务及运输咨询业务。道路普通货运。货运中转站。普通货物的仓储和仓储配套服务、装卸、加工、包装、配送、相关物流信息咨询和技术咨询业务。国内货运代理。无船承运业务。国际、国内航线(含台港澳地区)的航空货运销售代理业务。以服务外报方式从事物流方案设计及数据处理,物流软件的研发,物流数据系统应用管理和维护、信息技术支持管理。二、三类医疗器械(凭许可证经营)、集装箱及配件的批发、佣金代理(拍卖除外)、进出口,提供相关配套服务(以上商品进出口不涉及国营贸易、进出口配额许可证、出口配额招标、出口许可证等专项管理的商品)。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】德迅(中国)货运代理有限公司对外投资2家公司,具有40处分支机构。