咨询/财会/法律 100-499人
咨询/财会/法律 | 100-499人 |
威林干那商务咨询服务(上海)有限公司成立于2008年05月07日,注册地位于上海市普陀区江宁路1158号701-704室,法定代表人为叶伟雄(IP,WAI HUNG)。经营范围包括商务信息咨询、国际贸易信息咨询、经济信息咨询、市场营销策划(广告除外)、企业管理咨询、产品质量管理咨询、商品检测咨询、环保信息咨询。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】威林干那商务咨询服务(上海)有限公司具有3处分支机构。
The Connor Group is a world-wide merchandise-sourcing organization, managing the global sourcing requirements of over 60 companies. Our global leverage, and 64 years of experience, avails our clients of the best product at the best possible price. These clients include some of the most significant brands, specialty and department stores, catalog companies and importers in North America, Europe, Latin America, and Australia. We have strict policies for any violation or abuse of human rights, child-labor laws and factory-safety standards. The Connor Group has a passion for detail, quality, service and the ethical conduct of commerce. We offer our employee a competitive salary and benefits package, friendly working environment, flexible working options, career development & training opportunities, etc. For more information, please visit our website:http://www.weconnor.com Interest parties, please send your detailed resume (in Word format), with last and expected salary, date available.