教育 100-499人
教育 | 100-499人 |
UStutor,中文名:美师在线,原名美国DreamOn教育平台,起源于美国加利福尼亚州。2015年,由英岱尔(北京)国际教育科技有限公司全力引进中国,是一家以美国中小学本土课业为导向的教育平台。美师在线总部位于美国洛杉矶,于北京、旧金山、华盛顿、西雅图和芝加哥均设有办事处,平台攻克了教学的空间区域难点,将地道、本土化的美国学科课程教学搬到了云端,为广大以美国教育为学习导向的学生提供了广阔资源。美师在线所有教师均在美国学校任教的在职教师,平均教龄15年以上。 UStutor, orginiated from California, was formerly known as DreamOn education platform. It was introduced by Indel International Education Ltd in 2015. UStutor is an education platform based on the schoolwork of American elementary and secondary schools. The headquarter of UStutor is located in Los Angeles, and it sets up offices in Beijing, San Francisco, Washington, Seattle and Chicago. UStutor has overcome the space barrier of teaching and brought local American courses on the cloud, providing abundant resources for students who want to learn American courses. All the teachers in UStutor are teaching in American schools and have more than 15 years’ of teaching experience in average.