100-499人 |
北京市汉威律师事务所系北京市司法局批准成立的新型、高层次、综合性律师事务所。本所精英荟萃,拥有一支充满生机和活力的执业队伍。50余名执业律师中,既有学术造诣深厚,实践经验丰富的资深高级律师,更有一批毕业于著名高等院校的优秀中青年律师,均具有大学本科以上学历。本所多数律师具有在国内立法、司法科研机构以及其他国家机关、新闻单位、金融、财会、国有大中型企业等部门工作的经历,在北京以及全国各地的政法、工商、金融、税务、海关、劳动、新闻等部门积累了广泛深厚的社会关系资源,并与国内十几个大、中城市及国外有关的律师事务所建立了密切的业务协作关系,可以十分方便地为客户在国内外提供高效的法律服务。本所执业律师均有广博的专业知识和优良的执业经历,办理过大量诉讼和非诉讼业务。为确保法律服务质量,本所注重个人价值及协作精神,实行严格的专业化分工,每名律师均有其擅长的业务领域,所有业务均由事务所酌情指定专业律师办理,以保证每宗个案处理完善,效率卓然。根据专业领域的不同,本所设有刑、民、行法律事务部、公司法律事务部,建设房地产法律事务部、金融保险法律事务部、投资贸易法律事务部、知识产权法律事务部、涉外法律事务部和非诉讼法律事务部等专业部门,并根据业务需要不断调整和增设其他部门,确保为不同领域的客户提供全方位的法律服务。本所重视基础设施建设,将办公楼设在紧邻东三环的北京CBD商务区远洋国际中心,拥有几百平方米的现代化办公场所和先进的办公设备,并开发了办公信息系统,完备、先进的办公条件,为各项律师业务的开展提供有力的保障。本所从事法律不禁止的各类律师业务,重点业务领域是经济类及涉外法律事务,其中尤为擅长投资、金融、公司法律事务、股票上市、房地产、资产重组、招投标、国际商事海事仲裁及经济诉讼代理等。“求实、勤奋、诚信、敬业”是本所的服务宗旨。本所及本所律师一切均从维护当事人的合法权益出发,恪守律师职业道德、执业纪律,并以良好的律师形象、高度的敬业精神、扎实的理论功底、丰富的办案经验,为客户提供优质的法律服务。Hanwei Law Firm is a professional and comprehemsive legal service provider duly registered with Judicial Department of Beijing Municipslity, Peoples Republic of Chima. It possesses more than 40 attorney with bachelor degrees and above and gathered talents well educated in famous universities in China, all of which have reached higher level of legal education and enjoyed professional attainments. Most of them ever working with legal departments and other governmental organizations, large-size stateowned enterprises have abundant practice experience. All attorneys with rich professional knowledge and experience have undertaken a great number of litigation and non-litigation cases.In arder to ensure our quality service, our firm implements division of worksby specialty so that each attorney is in charge is in charge of his specialized aspect. All cases will be designated to specialized attorney for the purpose of perfect disposal and outstanding efficiency. Our firm has such departments as criminal litigation, real estate, finance and securities, insurance andinvestment, intellectual property right, and international trade to meet the requirement of our various clients.The Firm engaging in legal affairs of all kinds within the legal frame is specialized in economic and foreign legal cases, including investment, finance, corporate legal affairs, stock listing, real estate, corporate assets reorganization, project tendering and bidding, agency for international commercial and maritime arbitration and litigation and etc.The Firm has established close collaborative relationship with many law firms both at home and abroad, thus providing domestic and over seas clients with highly efficient legal services.Taking Reality, Diligence, Sincerity and Respect of work"as service principle, the attorneys of the Firm do their utmost to preserve the legitimate rights and interests of our clinets, stick to ethical standards and professional discipline, and provide effective and quality legal services for clients with their solid theoretical training, rich practicing experience, high professional commitment, and superior attorney image.公司行业:咨询/管理产业/法律/财会公司类型:其它公司规模:20-99人4、5、地址:北京市朝阳区东四环中路远洋国际中心D座2104室(人力资源)收(地铁一号线四惠D出口向北200米即到)6、邮编:100025"