广告/传媒 民企 100-499人
广告/传媒 | 民企 | 100-499人 |
摩比数据成立于 2014 年,创办之初,公司就专注为金融客户提供程序化购买技术及大数据价值应用服务。2015年7月摩比数据获得A股大数据龙头企业东方国信3000万人民币战略投资。摩比数据通过自主研发的个人金融程序化智能管理系统及大数据机器学习应用架构,为金融客户提供基于效果的获客引擎及智能金融产品投资组合解决方案。摩比数据凭借自主研发的个人金融程序化智能解决方案,以及预记智能账本APP,获得了国家高新技术企业认定证书。这是对摩比数据创新研发、创新管理和创新服务能力的高度肯定,同时也促进我们将大数据金融应用服务做到精益求精。摩比数据在金融领域通过自身对大数据的理解和应用经验,以及丰富的底层架构和算法技术,向各行业客户提供基于数据的获客、数据分析及商业洞察解决方案,并获得众多知名客户的信赖和推荐。摩比数据的全方位个人金融程序化智能解决方案,帮助金融企业获得海量优质客户;同时利用自身大数据技术优势,在线上帮助多家股份制银行推广信用卡等相关金融业务。MobiVans was founded in August 2014. We've been a service provider of big data management Artificial Intelligence technology ever since. MobiVans received a strategic investment of 30 million RMB from Big Data leader BONC in July 2015. We provide comprehensive and outcome-based solutions for clients in banking and finance, telecom and digital media. MobiVans is committed to excellence in Big Data management.We utilize the leading data management platform for personal financing analytics with Deep Learning artchitectures. MobiVans helps our clients to reach, acquire and analyze the target audience and new users, and to stay ahead of market competition, with real-time processing and streaming data integration.We bring together everything from balances and bills to customers’financial fitness, with an easy-to-use application named YUJI. It helps people understand where money goes and where you can cut back with AI technology.As a provider of FinTech, MobiVans attracts some of the brightest minds in Big Data management and AI in China, and has set up offices in Beijing and Guangzhou. MobiVans is dedicated to big data management expertise and helps our clients with best and tangible goals of implementing Big Data Technology.公司网址:www.mobivans.com