民企 20人以下
民企 | 20人以下 |
欧洲采购商委员会(EBC)总部位于德国斯图加特,是一家通过创新的方式促进不同企业建立联系、加强合作的股份制公司。我们的目标是协助不同的国家、协会和企业发展更紧密的联系,并建立长期的伙伴关系。The European Buyers Council (EBC), with its headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, is an innovative connecting organization. The aim is to bring countries, associations and companies closer together and establish long-term relationships.经过30多年在欧洲市场的深耕细作,我们建立起了一个广阔综合的企业客户群落。通过各种项目与业务联系,我们将这些拥有不同行业背景的企业客户连结在一起。因此,我们成功地推动多家企业间的无缝合作,并且与多个行业协会及政府保持着良好的合作关系。Over the last 30 years on the European market we built up a huge network of clients in several of industries, projects and partnerships. We are active in direct business-to-business operations, cooperate with associations and have access to governmental partners.我们的中国区总部位于广州珠江新城,致力于为创新型的中国供应商提供服务,以降低其在欧洲市场的贸易壁垒,推进其与欧洲市场的合作,深化其在欧洲的业务拓展,发掘欧洲的投资并购机遇,并为中国供应商提供欧洲专家人才的派遣服务。The Chinese operations are managed by our office in Guangzhou, Zhujiang New Town. We are reducing barriers and building bridges for innovative Chinese suppliers to increase their business to European buyers, for Mergers Acquisitions to find the perfect partner and we bring European Engineers (Experts) to Chinese manufacturer.公司官网:www.euro-bc.comWebsite: www.euro-bc.com